National Educational Fraternity
Established 1892


Oklahoma Alpha July 2006 Dinner
Click on a thumbnail to view the original in a new window
Thumbnail version of BAH.gif, image 1 of 7
Thumbnail version of Bell.gif, image 2 of 7
Thumbnail version of Davis.gif, image 3 of 7
Thumbnail version of HHS.gif, image 4 of 7
Thumbnail version of Table1.gif, image 5 of 7
Thumbnail version of Table2.gif, image 6 of 7
Thumbnail version of Table3.gif, image 7 of 7
Copyright 2006 Blind Squirrel Productions.  Phi Lambda Epsilon Dot Com is funded and maintained by Charlie French and relies on content submitted by others for material published to this site.  As such, no guarantee of authenticity is claimed.