Fifty years is a significant benchmark in measuring history, remembering events, calculating the age of things, and celebrating the length of human relationships. In terms of history, fifty years is the cause for significant recollection and remembrance of wars, battles, death of a President or prominent historical figure, a law being passed, etc. In historical jargon 50 years is described as "half a century." Major events are also celebrated in grand style such as 50 years since the first Ford Mustang, 50 years of color television, and 50 years since the Beatles toured America, etc. In calculating the "age" of things, 50 years is the benchmark for declaring an object an "antique." And regarding human relationships the 50 year mark is celebrated as a "Golden Anniversary." So to put things in their proper perspective in so far as my pledge brothers gathering at Whitey's and the Museum this Saturday it should be described as: "Half a century" ago a bunch of your teenagers, who are now "antiques", got initiated into Phi Lambda Epsilon and are now celebrating their "Golden Anniversary" together! (ha) the key elements that are left out of that description, but is, in reality, the true cause of our current celebration is that it signifies 50 years of an "enduring brotherhood"...a brotherhood that was, is, continues to be, and will always be for as long as we live! Home mortgages only last 30 years, some buildings don't last 50 years, and marriages? (until death do us part? I don't think so) fact, if you added up the years of both my marriages and throw in some years for girl friends it still doesn't add up to 50 years (ha). Sadly, a number of our Phi Lamb brothers have not lived to see this day come, so that we are reminded at this celebration that life is short and 50 years together is very precious. Let us forgive one another continuously as the older we get the more ornery we get and we squabble about "little things". With the remaining sand at the top of our hour glasses let us be quick to help one another, love one another, and forgive one another, and of course enjoy one another's company at every opportunity. Let us all commit to ourselves here and now that as we have lived as brothers we will die as brothers. We gather unfortunately too often in the past years to read the Death Ritual for a passing Brother, but we need to pledge, with our PLE Honor, that even if there is only one of us left, that "one" remaining Brother will read the Death Ritual for the second to last to pass. Such is our bond. Such is our love for each other. Such is our Brotherhood. 50 years of "true" Brotherhood is a lot, but it doesn't compare to the value of a "lifetime of Brotherhood" that we all enjoy today, and will continue to enjoy forever, "to death do us part." I am with you there in spirit in the midst of our joyous celebration of 50 years together since our initiation for I am your Brother in the Bonds of K.E.A. and I will continue to be proud to be your Brother for all the years of the rest of my life. Raise an ice cold mug of draft for me and know that I am with you in that toast. Love, your Brother, "Gross Man" Coming together 50 years ago as teenage pledges was a "beginning"; "Hanging together" for 50 years as grown men is a "modern miracle"; Still "being together" after 50 years in love and Brotherhood is "priceless."